Samplitude pro x3 suite tutorials
Samplitude pro x3 suite tutorials

samplitude pro x3 suite tutorials

Even a person on garrageband can finish several projects while a samplitude user is still looking for how to avoid bugs.

samplitude pro x3 suite tutorials

I struggled so hard,so hard to finish three projects with samplitude Pro x3 while my partner had finished 11 in Studio one. Am a user and an Audio enginner and am telling you I haven't come across any daw in my entire career that is as good at bugs as samplitude. Am A samplitude user and customer myself so your not hearing this from just any guy trying to just underrate the daw. Of All daws in The Entire world samplitude is holding its place as the industry bug standard. Every other daw you can think of is more stable than it Reaper,Fl studio,Pro tools,Cubase,Ableton,Sonar,Mixbus,Renoise,Garrageband,Studio one,Bitwig,Ardour,Mixcraft, etc. Honesty samplitude is the most unstable Daw in the World. I killed alot of time testing samplitude on several computers and i encountered the same bugs and instability.Lost Asio buffers,Memory leakages,Sudden crashes,Glitches,Object entry behind physical sample,Freezes and stutters,Melodyne crash,Midi issues,Some VERY loud acausional noise like a loud distorted noise.Etc etc. At the Engineering school we have many computers.high end Dells and other brands. I felt alittle sad when a user on the magix forum was told that his computer was the problem causing the instability but I did a research and discovered that whenever The magix team failed to have a good defense for the bugs the best runaway exit was to blame the computer of the user.

samplitude pro x3 suite tutorials

In all my Production life I haven't come across any Audio software that had many stability issues like samplitude pro x3. I teach pro tools at an Audio Engineering coledge and I know most daws including things like pyramix that probably most people dont use. Let me start by saying am being Very very honest with you guys, I have never used a Daw that had as many bugs as Samplitude Pro x3.

Samplitude pro x3 suite tutorials